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  Drop-in Advice for abused women and their children Accompanying and translation service Free legal advice Follow-up counselling and advice for familiy members Counselling service for experts Informational meetings Hotline assistance


Advice for abused women and their children

This counselling service is open to all women suffering from domestic violence. Special help for immigrant women and their children related to their legal and social status and migration experiences includes specific counselling, legal advice concerning residence permits and
immigration law

  • accompanying and support in case of institutional discrimination by authorities at accomodation office or job centre
  • advice for family members
  • follow-up advice
  • translation services

Many immigrant women who are victims of domestic violence suffer from specific mental and physical strain. Living in a violent relationship, the fear of losing the residence permit and general feelings of hopelessness and disillusionment about life can be mentallay and physically very damaging. Because of discrimination in employment women have great difficulties to become independent from the benefits of social welfare. As German authorities still show little effort for
immigrant women's integration into employment, their chances to find qualified jobs are poor. These aspects in combination with financial difficulties can lead to depressions and psychosomatic diseases. Women in these situations usually have a specific need for counselling. After the first interview they can get help by measures of crisis intervention in a shelter or in further institutions or by therapy respectively. We can give support in finding a job and in contacting the authorities.
After the counselling, women feel encouraged to manage their own affairs and they can stand up to their tormentors more confidently. During the interviews we try to meet the women's desire to talk about tabooed topics like sexuality and psychotherapy. If we can't provide full answers to the women's questions about health care and further support ourselves, we will either organize information meetings or send them to further institutions.



Fachberatungs- und Interventionsstelle: (030) 80 19 59 80   •   Frauenhaus: (030) 80 10 80 50  •   Datenschutz