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Hotline assistance

Hotline: 030/611 03 00
Friday 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.

Once a week our counselling office is connected to the BIG hotline and during these hours counselling is done. Advice-seeking women have the opportunity to receive individual counselling on the phone. Thereby, they can ask for a place in a shelter. Individual legal counselling is offered during these hours, too. Our advisory service is also open to familiy members, spouses and friends of women in need as well as for experts and institutions.

The Interkulturelle Initiative puts effort into recruiting additional counsellors who can speak the immigrant women's languages. The first access to our institution can be vital in a situation of crisis and determine a woman's future seeking for help. Consequently, advisers who do telephone counselling should besides their qualifications have good skills in the clients' languages as well as a high receptiveness to other cultures.

Hotline assistance includes:

  • intervention in crises
  • conveying of information
  • referral services
  • psychosocial advice in general
  • arrangement for individual counselling
  • Clearing up for admission to our shelter
  • Arrangement for individual advice by a lawyer
  • Clearing up for admission to our sheltered housing project


Fachberatungs- und Interventionsstelle: (030) 80 19 59 80   •   Frauenhaus: (030) 80 10 80 50  •   Datenschutz