Informational meetings Women living in our sheltered institutions can get information either by individual counselling or in informational meetings. We have presented meetings on the following topics so far:
- health reproduction
- sexuality and traditions
- female roles
- clashes between the generations
- sexual abuse upon children
- living with different cultures
- substance abuse
Also information on education and vocational training are of special interest. The women living in our sheltered projects have a great desire to reflect upon all kinds of topics that can help them to tackle their experiences with violence.
In the course of our counselling work we have found the following subjects being most important:
- how do gender roles change in the course of individuals'migration biography living with different cultures/living between different countries, identity- related problems, life concepts of first, second and third generation members the goals of education; education in practice
- Leben zwischen den Kulturen/Ländern, Identitätsprobleme und Lebensentwürfe der ersten, zweiten und dritten Generation
- Erziehungsziele und –Praktiken
- preventing drug abuse
- advice to facilitate access to adequate vocational training
- school problems, information about the German school system
- children's diseases